More hard rubber to choose from when you’re ordering a pen. 🙂
More hard rubber options
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More hard rubber to choose from when you’re ordering a pen. 🙂
The drawing is getting close! Go to the Fountain Pen Community and enter for a chance to win! 🙂 All you have to do is contribute $10 to help with hosting/website fees, and you’re entered.
So recently I’ve begun to think more seriously about coming up with a set few styles with names. I’ve been told by friends in the pen industry that I have too many options and that it’s a bit overwhelming and that it would be a good idea to simplify things a bit. So I posted […]
The Fountain Pen Community is hosting a pen give-away to help pay for hosting costs. Here’s the post: This year, The Fountain Pen Community is giving away a pen from Newton Pens! Shawn Newton of Newton Pens, has generously provided a pen for the give-away! The pen is from his Custom “Medium” Pen line! It’s made […]
A few shots from the last few weeks. Just because. 🙂
Yes – sewer pipe. It’s unused of course. 😉 So here’s a two-tone that I had been thinking about for a while. I’ve had this blue pipe material for over a year and haven’t wanted to use it until recently. I really enjoy making these two-tone pens. And then of course this pic just makes […]
Wow what a great show! I met lots of people and made lots of great contacts. I sold one pen and traded another. One of the guys from the pen club asked me if I was selling a lot, and I said no but I’ve made some REALLY great contacts and have met all sorts […]
Wahoo! I’ll be there! Friday 8th of March 2013 7am Pen Club Members will set-up the room, with Vendors shortly after that. 8am Vendors begin setting up Noon Doors open to the public 7pm Doors close to the public 7:30pm Pizza Party in the Hospitality room, for Vendors and weekend pass holders Saturday 9th […]
I’m getting my nibs engraved! I’m so proud. I feel like I’m a real pen maker now. 🙂 Mike at Vanness Pens did this for me tonight in no time at all. I was so excited! I didn’t think it would be that easy. And it looks so good! This bulb filler pen will be […]
Gave away five pens at school today. I sent 10 off to a science teacher in Russellville, Ar. for science fair projects, and a teacher at another local school is getting 2. Another pic… And look! Inky fingers!! 😀