Hey Everybody it’s that special time in a pen maker’s life when I get to release something new (at least new to me, b/c as we’ve learned and keep learning, there is NOTHING new under the sun 😂).
At the 2023 Chicago pen show one of my favorite regulars asked me if I would be able or willing or interested in making a fountain pen with the same sort of profile shape as my Preston ballpoint.
I drew a sketch out, and exactly 2 days before the 2024 Chicago pen show made a few prototypes to bring to the show. She and several other people bought one or two of those prototypes, and when I got back home and had more time, I worked on refining the shape a bit.
The Preston ballpoint next to one of the newer prototypes to highlight the similarity:

I wanted to make them in two sizes: one longer that could use a converter, and a shorty that would be short cart or eyedropper only.
The Long (with open style section)-

And the Shorty (with a more traditional covered section)-

The long posted okay but the barrel taper needed some adjusting. The short didn’t post very well at all, and the Dandelion in Snow version above only posts b/c I took my Nicholson to it and shaped the barrel a bit more by hand so that it would post. I can do the same on the others at request, but for now only the one posted nicely.
Why bother making it post at all? Yeah I hear you at your keyboards. Posting damages the barrel! Or something something… 🙂
For me (and I don’t post most of my pens either) if a pen looks like it should post, then it better post, and post well. Susan Wirth made sure to tell me all about that right after I started making pens, at the 2012 Arkansas Pen Show, and it stuck. Even before that though, when I was just buying and collecting and loving every bit of it, I was IRRITATED beyond description when a pen that looked like it should post just WOULDN’T.
So after Chicago I went back to work on my finishing station (sanding and buffing) to make it better at…. no wait hold on…
So after Chicago I started work on the Preston again.
First up is the Long. I really like the open section for this shape, so that’s going to be the standard across both sizes-

You can see I have posting where I want it, and these all have the open style section with a longer threaded tenon to make capping less fiddly.
And the Shorty shown here with the adjusted barrel shape that allows for proper posting. 

I made several more prototypes with more traditional design. These don’t take converters. They’re a sort of in between of the Shorty and the Long. Once this group is gone these won’t get made again-

And I’ll be using these wheel clips as long as I can keep getting them-

All of these will all get uploaded to the store tomorrow after I’ve had my morning coffee. 🙂 So check back around lunch (that’ll be Wednesday May 22, ’24).
Have you ever been to Red Lobster? I just heard they’re filing for bankruptcy. I’ve never been, but tried once with my wife maybe 5 or 6 years ago. I had heard so many good things about their cheese biscuits I thought let’s go. We walked in the front door and the smell punched me in the face. I couldn’t run out of their fast enough. Sea food is not for me. 😂
If you have any questions about anything, holler at me. [email protected]
Thanks! And see you at the Pacific Northwest Pen show in July (13 & 14).