Hi Everybody! Don’t forget I have a 10% off sale going right now for Fountain Pen Day until midnight tonight. After that all prices are as listed on the site. https://newtonpens.com/current-inventory/ I’ve also listed the Fountain Pen Day pen from Krusac Pens up for auction, and you can see that here. I’ve also just finished […]
Category: Uncategorized
October pen give away! Art contest! Scholarship fund update.
Hello all of you pen users and pen lovers and collectors and everything else! It’s been another successful month raising money for the scholarship fund this October with 58 entries. Wowza thanks! So like every other month for the last 5 or so years (wow!) we picked a winner using random.org to pick the number […]
Pen World article about Fountain Pen Day and…
From a kernel of an idea in 2012, Fountain Pen Day is now a full-blown event. This year’s celebration takes place on Friday, November 3 (Fountain Pen Day always takes place on the first Friday in November). Cary Yeager, marketing coordinator and sales representative at Kenro Industries, has run Fountain Pen Day from the beginning. […]
Newton Pens Scholarship announcements
Hi Everybody, First– thank you all so much. This scholarship is only successful because of all of your contributions. Your continued support and donations are going to high school students to help them succeed in college. Every month we give away a pen to a randomly picked person, somebody who had either contributed to the […]
The Endowment grows
Hey everybody, So lately things have been coming together for this endowment better than I had imagined. From FPDpen.com: “Ryan and I started talking about this idea at the 2015 Colorado Pen Show. Fast forward almost 2 years, and we came up with a plan combining my ideas with Ryan’s creativity and amazing craftsmanship. Beyond […]
San Francisco Pen Show – Scholarships – Traveling
I’m not a very good blogger so I’ll just type up some of my notes from the trip, and add a few more thoughts as I think of them. 🙂 But first… Scholarship announcements. We’ve raised $810 through the pen auctions and sale of notebooks and postcards this month. Thank you all so much! This […]
San Francisco Pen Show
Hi Pen People! We’ll be heading out of town tomorrow morning for the San Francisco Pen Show, August 25-27. I’ll be slow to answer emails for the most part, but I’ll try to get a few minutes here and there for replies. Elizabeth and I will be driving the whole way. Driving? Yep. Best way […]
July Results!
Hey everybody! Thank you so much to everybody who contributed to the scholarship fund in July (and to everybody ever over the last few years). Through sales of postcards and notebooks, and auctions of pens, we were able to raise $737, with more coming in as auction winners make payments. The winner for July is […]
Newton Pens Scholarship Endowment
-July 2017- Hi Everybody, Something people have asked me about for a while, and that I’ve been wanting to get going for a while, is finally becoming reality. We’re starting an endowment that will sustain Newton Pens Scholarships indefinitely, or as far into the future as we can. What we’ve done every year is raise […]
June fund raising results and July fund raising begins!
Hello everybody! In May we raised $329 thanks to everybody who bought post cards or notebooks and gave donations. If I’ve done my maths right that means we already have $3139 for the 2018 year! Whew! Thanks! A special thanks to Chris Geeo of Moonstar Woodworking here in Hot Springs! He turned a bowl and […]