Exhausted Sunday… too hot….

It’s been miserable the last few days.  I built a thing this four day weekend and just barely got it done earlier today.  I mean by the skin of my teeth.  🙂 Not like there was a time line though. …

Sunday Videos!

I’m back from DC and my schedule is kind of back to normal… until the Dallas show in September anyways.   So here’s my Sunday video! And here’s something for a project one of my old students, Geneva Stone, is doing. …

2023 DC Pen Show

2023 DC Pen Show I started to film a bit on Friday morning, but as soon as it got a little busy I set the camera down and forgot all about it.  I wanted to say hi to everybody! My…

Back From DC / Inventory Update

Hi All! I just got back from DC and the store is open again!  There are loads of new Hale pens and doublet Orvilles available. I’m having a clearance sale!  All discounted pens are 20% 35% off when you buy…

Back From Portland

Hi Everybody!  I’m back from the Pacific Northwest Pen Show!  It was awesome and I had a great time.  Glad to be back home in my own (comfortable) bed. I’m working on a write-up with @allthehobbies and you should see…

Matthew Chen Nib Grinds

I’m now offering nib grinds from Matthew Chen. Ground nibs can only be purchased with a pen. When you select Nib Type, the grinds will be listed at the bottom. Newton Pens Store #6 Medium Cursive Italic     #6…

Oversize Orville Doublet

Oversize Orvilles. Calling this color scheme doublet (it’s a kind of waistcoat or vest). Kind of silly, but whatever. 🙂 These will be available in the store as soon as I get photos taken and uploaded, prices will range from…

Syringe Fillers!

Hi Everybody, I’ve put some new pens up in the store pages: Syringe filling Sumpters, medium size, in various materials. You can find them by navigating to our store page, and clicking on the Sumpter button at the top, or…

New Pens! (but mostly some really old)

I finally got around to photographing some pens that I haven’t photographed yet, or just needed better pictures of.  Mostly older pens that I made when I first started using my CNC lathe.  These are discounted to move!  🙂 To…

Sleeves are up!

Elizabeth and I are working to get more single sleeves out to you again.  We get asked quite often about extras for sale, and for a while it’s been hard to keep up, but with both of us out there…

New finished pens available

Hi all!  Hope you’re having a great holiday season and enjoying friends and family. I’ve just finished 13 piston fillers, and am posting them here and in the store (here in case the store page isn’t current for you –…