Tonight’s the night! If you want to get in on this Newton Pen then do so before 9pm central US time. That gives you 11 hours! I’ll make an announcement tonight. And don’t forget the drawing at The Fountain Pen Community for this guy. Fountain Pen Community
Category: Uncategorized
Two Drawings – Two Pens! Check em out – both end Friday!
all you have to do is send $10 check or money order or with paypal to and I’ll assign you a number based on the order you buy in. If you’re #10 to buy a ticket, then you’ll be #10. May 3rd – 9PM – I’ll use a random number picker to pick from […]
Better wraps and a better finger
My wife was busy with pen wraps today and I’m very pleased with them. I can’t wait to see them with strings and buttons. And my finger – still a bit sensitive, and hurts if I bang it on something – but better.
We did it!
Only a couple nights left! Drawing is May 3rd – 9pm Central US time. Get in while you still can.
Scholarship money ready to go.
Money pulled from paypal and a check made out to my school. This is going to help a couple kids out with college. I’m so proud to be able to give this. Thanks everybody!
Painful lesson.
Cleaning plastic junk away from the tool rest is not important. For over a year I’ve been brushing away bits of plastic junk with my finger. This morning my finger got cut. Caught between the turning blank and the tool rest. Hurt. The pain wasn’t so bad. I was putting a band aid on and […]
We did it!
We just reached $2000! That means the scholarship is A GO! All the money raised after that will go towards next year’s scholarship. Remember, that one will be available nationwide. I’ll put up an application on my website to download and fill out in the next week or two. Thanks everybody!!
New from Newton Pens! Pouches! All of your pens will now come in little home made pouches. My wife has told me for months that if I bought her a sewing machine she would make pouches for your pens. And here they are! Well… here are the first attempts. She’s having a great time […]
Win a Pen! Help send kids to college!
Remember – all you have to do is send $10 check or money order or with paypal to and I’ll assign you a number based on the order you buy in. If you’re #10 to buy a ticket, then you’ll be #10. May 3rd I’ll use a random number picker to pick from […]
Newton Pens and Scholarship News
Hi everybody, It’s been a while since my last and a lot has happened. Newton Pens has it’s own Employment ID number (EIN) – YAY! I’ve figured out a way to get the scholarship money to students, and after this year, I’m going to make the scholarship available to kids anywhere in the country. I’ll […]