Big News

After careful consideration there will be a slight increase in my pen prices for 2013. Prices for each size will go up by $25 each. On the bright side, I am excited to introduce a new slim line of pens!  The new slim line will be 11mm thick at the barrel threads. For comparison, a #2 pencil is about 7mm thick and a Sharpie marker is about 11mm.

This new pen will be $125 with standard acrylics and steel nib. Upgrades including the use of ebonite or other materials, custom filling system, or gold nib, will be priced accordingly.

Pricing on my existing line of pens will be:
Small $150 – Medium $175 – Large $200 – Oversize $225

Shipping will stay the same. Optional international registered with tracking will be an additional $12. Insurance is optional and will be included at cost if requested.

New pricing starts January 1st, 2013, so you place your order now for current prices!

Two pens! Two winners!

UPDATE:  The  winners are 185 (180) and 41 (38).  Congrats!!  😀

This time I think I’m going to do something a little different.Instead of having just one winner, we’ll have two.  🙂

The cumberland button filler is gone, so that means the bulb filler and celluloid pen have to go.  🙂

Rules are the same as last time.  You pick a number by sending $5 to [email protected] via paypal, and be sure to tell me what number you’re picking!  Each time I receive a number I’ll update the list at the bottom of this post so you can see what numbers have already been picked.  If I can’t update it quick enough and you pick the same as somebody else, I’ll send you a note telling you to pick another.  🙂

If you won last time you may not enter, but if you won before you may go ahead and try again.  🙂  So far you’ve all raised $636 for the scholarship!  Thanks.  This is going to mean a lot to one lucky student.  If we get enough money raised it may mean a lot to two or three lucky students!  🙂

The bulb filler and tortoise celluloid pen.  Remember – any nib tip size you want, with any grind – and your choice of silver or gold tone nib and clip.

Pick from 1-200.  I’ll use one of those random number generators out there on the interweb to pick a number, and whoever picks the closest number without going over will win the pen!  This time we’ll have two winners.  If you pick more than one number and they both get picked, I’m going to pick the next closest number under that so one person won’t be winning both pens.

Where does the money go?  Into a brand new bank account I set up just for this purpose.  At the end of the school year I’ll gather that up and present it to one or more students.

We’ll let this one run until December 5th, two weeks from tonight.  I’ll announce the winner around 9pm Central US time.

Numbers picked so far.

Oh Yeah – My haircut.

Got a picture of the hair cut from one of my students.  I was hoping for more photos – but this is the only one I got.  It’s pretty good though.

This is mid cut.  He had to leave when the bell rang to catch the bus – so it just got all cut clean off.  The teachers sort of circled around me after all the kids had left and stared for a moment, wide eyed…
One said “You’re such a good sport.”
“You’re a nut!” another said.


Didn’t raise much money – not enough to cut my beard off – which was set at $200.

Had fun though.

It sure is cold without any hair.

Dec 3rd – Update.


Drawing #2 — Pick from three pens! $5!!

57 is the number picked, so 55 gets it!  🙂
Congratulations!  And thanks to everybody who participated!

Ends 9pm Central US time, November 18th.

So the last fund raising was a huge success.  You all contributed $427 after paypal fees.  Thanks so much!  And the winner is getting a custom pen which means the button filler and bulb filler are still up for grabs.  To make the pot even sweeter I’m going to add a tortoise celluloid c/c pen!

Remember – any nib tip size you want – and your choice of silver or gold tone nib and clip.

If this pen doesn’t tickle your fancy – you can opt to have a custom pen made up just for you.  Any material I have in stock – c/c or button filler.


If you won last time you may not enter this time.  Please wait until the next go round.

Where does the money go?  Into a brand new bank account I set up just for this purpose.  At the end of the school year I’ll gather that up and present it to a student.  I’m working with a local college and hopefully will be speaking with Paul Leopoulos of the Thea Foundation very soon about how to get things set up to benefit the most kids.  🙂  Very excited about that.

I think that’s it.  If you have any questions or suggestions please shoot me an email – [email protected]

Giving this one two weeks.  Will pick a winning number November 18th.

Numbers picked so far:


Pens for Kids Fountain Pens!!

They’re here!  I ordered a bunch of pens from about two weeks ago with the money raised from my first raffle.

Thanks so much to everybody who helped with that raffle and made this purchase possible.  I’ll start giving these pens out as soon as I’ve tested and tuned them all.  There’s only 76 – shouldn’t take TOO long.  😛


Something bulbbles from the depths.

I made a bulb filler.

Which means I have a new filling system to add to my list of options when you order a pen.

Holds about 2ml of ink.
Update: 3ml of ink.  I sealed with shellac and put a different length tube.  Much better now.  Also made a new section for it.

Enter the raffle for a chance to win this pen!  Funds go towards the Newton Pen Scholarship.


I do not do my own urushi finishes anymore and have no plans to do so in the future.  Thanks.

One coat on all the pens tonight.  I forgot how much impact this has on the appearance of the pen.  One coat has already made such a huge difference!
I can’t wait to see them all finished.

Drawing! – First pen for the scholarship!

Update: Oct 29 — The winner is #26!  Congrats!

Here’s the first pen for Newton Pens Scholarship!

This cumberland button filler is 1/2″ thick at the threads, Closed – 5 1/2″ – Open 5″ – Posted 6 7/8″.  Currently sports a fine nib, but I’ll put any size tip with any type of grind you’d like.  See more pics here.

If this pen doesn’t tickle your fancy – you can opt to have a custom pen made up just for you.  Any material I have in stock – c/c or button filler.

Now this drawing can be for the button filler or for this new bulb filler!


If you won last time you may not enter this time.  Please wait until the next go round.  😉

Where does the money go?  Into a brand new bank account I set up just for this purpose.  At the end of the school year I’ll gather that up and present it to a student.  Still working out details on how to actually create the scholarship, but I have some promising leads.

I think that’s it.  If you have any questions or suggestions please shoot me an email – [email protected]

END TIME:  Let’s give it three weeks.  November 4th at about 9pm.

Numbers picked so far:

Some more pictures.