Hi Everybody –
We here at Newton Pens Scholarships are wanting to add a little inventory to the scholarship fundraising line. We want to add small custom cover notebooks – about 5 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ – to the lineup of postcards we already sell.
So my idea is this – art contest. There are lots of awesome artists out there making lots of awesome art. I’d love for you all to come up with a cool cover design, that will be voted on later, that we’ll use on the cover of these little notebooks. We don’t have any money to pay for the art – but I’d like to make a pen for the winner. No wait. Custom pen just for you. Basically a credit of $225 with free grind and shipping, just like the scholarship pen winners get.
OH OH OH! Change in size. Image can be the whole cover. 3.5 x 5.5
The image needs to be black and white (cheaper to print one color) and about 2″ wide by 4.5″ tall if we use the size above. So about 75% of the cover size.
Oh! Also – limit to 2 entries per artist.
EDIT: OH yeah! Theme is open – something with wide ranging appeal – and it needs to say Newton Pens Scholarships in it somehow – clean – hidden – bold – whatever you like. If you already have some cool image you’d like to submit that would be cool. I can take any format you have – .jpg, .png, whatever. If you have any questions just shoot me a note. shawn@newtonpens.com
No logos. Not even mine. I want some cool artwork rather than a remake of my logo. This isn’t about me or the pen company, but about the scholarships. The artwork can be anything! Be creative.
TIMELINE: So I think middle of next month, August 15th let’s say, for art submission deadline. A few days after I organize everything I’ll put up some sort of voting thing so you can all vote for your favorite cover image.
All submissions to Shawn@Newtonpens.com
Let me know if I forgot anything else! Thanks!
We have printers to make the little notebooks.
We need some help with this notebook thing though – I’m talking to a few places about cost and quantity, but if any of you know of some people who could help us out with making little notebooks we’d really appreciate it. Depending on who we use for the notebooks the image requirements may change.
You can always shoot me an email to shawn@newtonpens.com.
What a great idea! I am NOT artistic, but I am enthusiastic, so I can’t wait to vote!
I will buy these notebooks. I look forward to seeing them.
Might curnow bookbinding be able to help? They do this type of work already. They can also make tomoe river notebooks, which would be fountain pen friendly.