Cleaning the shop

So my giant metal lathe will be here Wednesday afternoon, and I just got finished cleaning up in the shop.  Sunday afternoon and then a few more hours tonight.  It took forever to put all those blanks back up there and in a somewhat organized manner too.  Acrylics, ebonite, alumilite, and then by color.  Polyresins and wood are off to the side…

6 thoughts on “Cleaning the shop

  1. Mike Smukula

    I am so HAPPY for you Shawn! That you are getting this brand new state of the art machine that will no doubt make you more $$$$$$, May God Bless you and your wife!

    1. newtonpens Post author

      Thanks! Hopefully I’ll be able to work quicker and make better quality work.

  2. Pat McConnel

    I feel your pain Shawn! I had to remove a half barrel micro brewery from my shop before I could install my wood lathe. What metal lathe did you get? Are you moving towards computer controlled machining?

  3. Mitch

    Congratulations Shawn! Thanks for sharing your penmaker’s journey. And your wife rocks for helping and supporting you, but you already know that. 🙂


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