Category: Uncategorized

Hair for money?

So here I am with LOTS of hair. The orange thing is a t-shirt that my boy outgrew. I cut it up to keep the hair out of my face while working at the lathe. So why all the hair? Do I like having long hair? No. Not since high school. In my Senior AP […]

Getting ready for school.

Okay – so school starts back on the twentieth, which means I’m going to be very busy with school and not as busy with making pens.  I’ll still be able to get a few knocked out every weekend unless something comes up or I’m just wiped out from the week though. Remember the artwork and […]

I did a bit of …

I did a bit of playing around and updated my website with a link to translate through Google into several different languages.  I hope that makes it easier to read for more people. Let me know what you think. I’ve also added a tools/equipment review area for people who are interested in turning their own […]