Hair for money?

So here I am with LOTS of hair. The orange thing is a t-shirt that my boy outgrew. I cut it up to keep the hair out of my face while working at the lathe.

So why all the hair? Do I like having long hair? No. Not since high school. In my Senior AP English class I’d nod off and my hair would go in front of my eyes so you couldn’t see that I was asleep.

So when you think of hair for money, you’re probably thinking of wigs, extensions, or getting a neograft in Denver or wherever. Well I’m loathed to admit that I have inadvertently found another way in which money can be exchanged for hair. Add this one to the list:

At the end of last school year I had an idea to grow my hair and beard crazy long and then sell raffle tickets. At the end of a period of time or once so much money is reached, I’d draw a ticket, call a name, and let that student cut and color however they please. If we reached a higher dollar amount in that time frame then I’d let them chop up and color the beard too. Yikes.

So first week into school – I didn’t mention my idea to anybody so the kids think I’m just being too lazy to go get a hair cut. Thursday afternoon I mention my idea to one of my classes and before I’m done a girl hands over a five dollar bill. COOL. Okay then, buy 5 get 1 free. Sound good? Yep. Another kid the next day brought me a five. And they’re determined to win. He and a couple of his friends have pledged their next paychecks to the cause. They want me to look like Captain Planet. And they want to turn my beard orange. 8-(
uh oh….

Of course, I told them not to waste their entire paychecks on something as silly as a CHANCE to cut and color my hair – but they won’t have it. They’re determined. Oh lord – what have I gotten myself into? I really hope Captain Planet doesn’t win :’-(

And what’s the money for you ask? Art class supplies. Nothing special – just extra cash in case I need it throughout the year. Last year I think I spent close to a thousand over budget (which is a pretty healthy budget in my opinion). This is my third year in this classroom (hopefully the third of about 20+ more) and I’m working on getting it set up so that it’s MY classroom. I’ve built lockers, tables, and a friend of mine is making really nice wooden stools for me. It’s coming along quite nicely. I can’t wait to see how it looks in a few more years. Hopefully, more murals and an awesome student-made timeline will decorate the room. Maybe we’ll even get to paint the ceiling tiles. The kids are itching to do that. 🙂

So there we have it, the new way in which you can pay for hair. Worst is I told them I’d wear the haircut for a week. 8-|
Oh boy.