Category: Uncategorized

One week left! February Scholarship Fund Raiser

The February fund raiser ends the 28th!  That’s this Saturday.  If you want to participate in this month’s drawing don’t delay.  You could win your own custom pen! Like this one perhaps… So far you’ve all helped to raise $4547.06.  Every penny will go to high school students to help them with their college expenses.  […]

Big Announcement – Scholarship Fund Raising – And those Scholarships!

Big Announcement I’ve been teaching for almost 7 years now, and while the job has had its ups and downs, I love teaching.  I don’t think I’m the best art teacher there is, I’m sure I leave a LOT of information out of my classes, and I probably skip over a lot that I shouldn’t, […]

It’s Scholarship Time! January Fund Raiser.

Want to win a custom pen and help some lucky deserving students with their college expenses? Postcards are for sale again to raise money for the Newton Pen’s Scholarship. So far we’ve raised 3886.64!  Thank you all so much! There’s only a few more months to raise money, let’s see if we can match or […]

Newton Pens Scholarships – Get Ready

It’s that time of year again to start getting applications filled out, essays written, and everything turned in to me so I can have my awesome volunteers start reading and grading essays to pick recipients. So visit this page to read about requirements and to download the form. Newton Pens Scholarships If you know any […]

November December Scholarship Fund Raiser

Hi Everybody, Want to win a custom pen and help some lucky deserving students with their college expenses? Since this is the time for holidays, I’m going to run this postcard sale/fund raiser period for three weeks, for both November and December.  Enter to win a custom Newton Pen for the months of November and […]