Better wraps and a better finger

My wife was busy with pen wraps today and I’m very pleased with them.  I can’t wait to see them with strings and buttons.  🙂

wraps (1) wraps (2) wraps (3)

And my finger – still a bit sensitive, and hurts if I bang it on something – but better.


2 thoughts on “Better wraps and a better finger

  1. Pat McConnel

    Not bad; I once cut the end of my left thumb off fixing dinner. It took a long time to grow back and reminded me faithfully what an inconvenience it was buttoning coats, shirts, flossing, etc., with a mangled thumb. Glad to see your finger is recovering. I recommend staying away from chain saws, too. Smile.

    1. newtonpens Post author

      Ouch! Funny enough – I never hurt myself with a chainsaw. Chopped up quite a few downed trees a couple summers back, too. And buttoning pants and shirts is definitely harder without a finger or thumb tip. 😉


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