2013 Arkansas Pen Show – Back home.

Wow what a great show!  I met lots of people and made lots of great contacts.  I sold one pen and traded another.  One of the guys from the pen club asked me if I was selling a lot, and I said no but I’ve made some REALLY great contacts and have met all sorts of wonderful people!  He gave me this knowing grin, and said “That’s what it’s really all about.”

At the end of the day Sunday I entered at the LAST minute for one of the raffles.  A pen that I had donated was up, a leather bag, and then the Taccia Savanna, the buffalo horn pen hand shaped to look like a piece of bamboo.  Absolutely gorgeous.  AND I WON!!  I couldn’t believe it!  So awesome!  The whole place lit up with laughter and some applause and I was absolutely giddy!  What made it even better was getting to pose with the head of Taccia herself!

And if you haven’t checked out some of their latest offerings you’re really missing out.  She brought some of the most beautiful modern pens I think I’ve ever seen to the show.  One of them had stingray skin around the cap, in the tradition of the Japanese knife and sword handles, and it was just stunning.

shawn taccia 1


Here are the rest of the shots from the show.

Susan Wirth

Henry Simpole


4 thoughts on “2013 Arkansas Pen Show – Back home.

    1. newtonpens Post author

      Yes! I had no idea how beautiful until I saw one at the show – and then I WANTED IT! And lucky me I won it!!


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