Something bulbbles from the depths.

I made a bulb filler.

Which means I have a new filling system to add to my list of options when you order a pen.

Holds about 2ml of ink.
Update: 3ml of ink.  I sealed with shellac and put a different length tube.  Much better now.  Also made a new section for it.

Enter the raffle for a chance to win this pen!  Funds go towards the Newton Pen Scholarship.

12 thoughts on “Something bulbbles from the depths.

  1. ArchiMark

    Looks great!

    Never had a bulb filler, but it sounds like a good, simple, and effective system…

    Do you clean it same way as a piston filler (filling and flushing out water several times)?

    1. newtonpens Post author

      Pretty much, yes. I suck up water and shake it real good, wrapped in paper towel, then flush, then fill and shake, then flush, repeat until clean.

        1. newtonpens Post author

          The converter is quicker and easier, but doesn’t hold near as much. A properly done up bulb filler can hold 2-3ml of ink. Plus it has a cool factor that a converter just can’t touch. 🙂


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