Scholarship update!

Hi everybody!  It’s time to say thanks to everybody who contributed to the scholarship fund in August and give a pen away!  August was a slow month – we raised $143 with 15 people contributing.

Using the magical to pick a number, #1 was picked.  Congrats to Bemjamin L!  I’ll send you an email soon.

We have lots of great postcards to pick from, and every penny goes towards the scholarships.  Not only do you get great postcards, but you get the chance to win a custom pen, and the knowledge that every penny is going towards helping some deserving high school students with their college expenses.  If you’d like to be a volunteer to help read the essays this go round, please let me know and I’d be happy to add you to the list.

You can look at the current offering of postcards here.

We’ll be putting together notebooks pretty soon, too.  Watch out for our announcement about that.

As always, if you have any questions about anything at all, please holler.  [email protected]


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