One week left! February Scholarship Fund Raiser

The February fund raiser ends the 28th!  That’s this Saturday.  If you want to participate in this month’s drawing don’t delay.  You could win your own custom pen!
Like this one perhaps…


So far you’ve all helped to raise $4547.06.  Every penny will go to high school students to help them with their college expenses.  Scholarship applications have started to roll in and I’ve extended the deadline to hopefully allow more kids to enter.  Deadline is now April 4th.

Just a recap:  February Scholarship Fund Raiser

Starting now, I’m going to change the way I raise money for the scholarships a little bit.  Instead of a two week period post card sale, the cards will be on sale continuously, and the numbering for the pen give away will be for the duration of each month.  So from the 1st until the last day, whatever that may be.  Post cards will always be for sale from now on – all you have to do is send $10 with paypal to and a postal address, and I’ll send some cards your way.  This means there will be one custom pen give away each month, the winner being announced the last day of the month.  If you have any questions, please ask.  Yes it’s still free to enter as long as you send a note or postcard in the mail to me at PO Box 6084, Hot Springs, Ar. 71902

Purchase post cards and learn more about the scholarship here.

Be sure to read all the rules if you have any questions…

Rules –  The drawings are free for all to enter, from all parts of the world.  No restrictions at all.  During each monthly period…

Thanks everybody!

1 thought on “One week left! February Scholarship Fund Raiser

  1. Eric Bethard

    I cannot say how awesome it is that you are doing this. “Pay it forward” has been the buzz phrase as of late, but when I was a kid my dad called it “doing a good thing” or “doing the right thing”, and I’m glad to see that the concept/idea is alive and strong. My wife and I talked about it last night, after receiving my set of postcards, and when we retire, we will be able to set up a scholarship program of our own. I showed her your posts on the scholarships and that’s what made up her mind.


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