Hi Everybody, Want to win a custom pen and help some lucky deserving students with their college expenses?
Since this is the time for holidays, I’m going to run this postcard sale/fund raiser period for three weeks, for both November and December. Enter to win a custom Newton Pen for the months of November and December to support the Newton Pens Scholarship! So far we’ve raised $3500 with those awesome student art post cards and all of your donations.
Read all the rules on how to enter here.
1. “I’m confused how do I buy? I see no buy button for the postcards.”
–There is no buy button. You just send $10 via paypal to
along with a postal address and I send you a pack of cards and a pen number.
2. “Interesting idea. Is it open to non-USA residents? I couldn’t find information one way or the other, but postage costs must surely be an issue.”
–Open to everybody worldwide. Yeah – postage is high but I’m covering it. I’m also covering the cost of the post cards out of my own pocket. And I’m proud to do so.
3. “What kind of pen do I get if I win?”
–You get any model, any size, any nib grind, any material I have on hand. If you want a gold nib, extra customizations, or special filling system (button, bulb, or piston) I ask that you pay for that. I’ll cover shipping but will be happy to let you pay for that if you want.
4. “How do I enter for free?”
–Send a note or postcard in the mail to me at
Newton Pens Fund Raiser
PO Box 6084
Hot Springs, Ar. 71902
Include contact info, name and email, or I won’t accept it. Nicknames don’t count. This is the same thing I tell my students at school: put your name on it or I can’t grade it!
5. “Who can get a scholarship? Art students only? Kids in Arkansas only? Kids at the school where you work only?”
–Right now the scholarship is open to any high school students going in to college, anywhere in the USA. Kids at any school can apply and receive a scholarship. Current college students are not eligible. Adults going back to school are not eligible.
Entry period starts today, Friday, November 21st and ends Saturday December 13th, 9pm Central US time. If you have ANY questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always more than happy to answer.
Here are some of the pens made for past pen winners.
I’ve got a ton of cool materials for the winner to choose from. If you want a closer look at some of the materials, let me know and I can get some better photos.