Newton Pens Scholarships – Get Ready

It’s that time of year again to start getting applications filled out, essays written, and everything turned in to me so I can have my awesome volunteers start reading and grading essays to pick recipients.

So visit this page to read about requirements and to download the form.

Newton Pens Scholarships

If you know any high school seniors who could use some extra cash their first semester, please send them this way.  Last year I had 23 applications and gave away 6 $1000 scholarships, all from money raised with your help.  So I have all of you to thank for that.

2 thoughts on “Newton Pens Scholarships – Get Ready

    1. newtonpens Post author

      Hi Jake,
      Scholarship entries are due March 1st, and I notify recipients right before graduation. I send checks directly to the colleges with explicit instructions on how the money is to be handled and given out. If a student doesn’t show up or drops out, the money is sent back to me, and I send it on to who ever would have gotten it next.


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