4 thoughts on “More Amazing Boxes!

  1. Doran, Rich

    I really like the one that has the forks and slides together I will take one of those for the Jumbo it will fit in there?

    Thank you

    Rich Doran
    Physicians Sales & Service
    Account Representative – St. Louis
    Orders: (636) 475-3622 Tina Peters “Sales Assistant”
    Cell: (314) 583-4388
    Office: (913) 390-5702

    [cid:[email protected]]

  2. DirectorBob

    Shawn you are CRAZY creative! Who besides you presents their pen creations in boxes that are as unique and wonderful as the pens? Truly amazing. Makes me want to order another pen soon. And what a coincidence that the post before this one is from another St. Louisan. Small world.

    1. newtonpens Post author

      Thanks! I wish I could take any credit though – my friend is the wood worker. I’m just excited and proud to be able to have such cool boxes! 🙂


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