May pen give-away, and a new year of fundraising begins!

Good Morning!

It’s that time again and I am very happy to announce two winners this month.  First winner for May is David P, who got #10.  David gets a $225 credit towards a custom Newton Pen.

Second winner – the winner of the Thomas Hall Shinobi-


is Andrew C.!  I picked from 1-12 (months of the year) and got 2 for February, and then picked from 1-40 from February’s entries, and #7 was picked.  I used for all number picking.

Thanks again to all of you for all the donations and postcard purchases.  We raised $780 in the month of May, for a total of $6280 this year!  We’re giving out 6 one thousand dollar scholarships.  And the local paper printed a blurb about our scholarships!  So cool!  The two names they didn’t print were kids from outside of Arkansas.

paper clipping

So now it’s June and it’s time to start fundraising for a new academic year.  You can contribute to the scholarship fund by purchasing postcards from here or by making donations.

New postcards are now available!!  Check em out!  Names of the artists, or the school they’re from, printed on the front of each card.

City Series 2 from our friend Michelle Leung’s husband.  These are from all over Japan.

Abstract Series – all student art

Set 2016 3 – student and donated art

If you have any questions please send them to me via [email protected]


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