M800 modifications

Cap rebuilds are possible and start at $215 plus materials, without rings.  With rings the caps start at $255.  Plating is extra depending on your request.  I’m not reusing the Pelikan cap rings, but making new ones from brass.

I do not sell these pens, only modify yours.  I do not and will not buy any pens to modify and then resell.

Know that this type of work to your pen will void any warranty you might have.

See video on how Pelikan pens are made.

To place an order email – [email protected]

Blue Gray ripple ebonite, and Turnt Pens Twilight abalone resin

M800 – green and blue lizard, gray crosshatch


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M800 – modern green striated celluloid

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M800 – Amadeo blue acrylic

pelikans (1)

M800 – teal cebloplast

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