June Scholarship Results and July Beginnings

Hi Everybody,

Time to announce income for June 2016 and the winner of the free pen picked from all of June’s entries.  You all donated $982.00, which is a great start for this year’s scholarship awards!

The winner from all 25 entries for a $225 credit/free nib grind/free shipping, is #5, Marla C!  Congrats Marla!  I’ll be sending you an email so you can begin to figure out what you want.  🙂

We have lots of great postcards to pick from, and every penny goes towards the scholarships.  Not only do you get great postcards, but you get the chance to win a custom pen, and the knowledge that every penny is going towards helping some deserving high school students with their college expenses.  If you’d like to be a volunteer to help read the essays this go round, please let me know and I’d be happy to add you to the list.

I’m actually wanting to do things a little differently starting this year and could use a little help or advice on where to start.  I’d like to invest some of the money you raise this year so that after a few years we’ll be able to reach out to more students and help with their expenses.

If you have any questions, please let me know – I’m easy to reach – [email protected]


1 thought on “June Scholarship Results and July Beginnings

  1. Beth A. Fralix

    I would love to help read essays for you. Please let me know if I can be of help.
    I love the idea of investing part of the money for a larger return to help more kids! You could have an IG raffle for a pen & let all the proceeds from that go to the investment start up. Just an idea. You are always in my prayers. Wishing all good things for this new idea. God Bless You & Yours Always, My Friend, Beth


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