June 2019 – and Summer is here

So it’s Summer time Summer time!

The May auction is over (I only had the one pen with the Tibaldi scraps) and it raised $250.  Thanks so much for your participation and support of the scholarship fund!

This month we have a Bexley sleeve filler, a Newton Pens Orville, and a handmade ebonite pen by Dennis Humm up for grabs.

You can bid on them here – and know that every penny raised from these goes to the scholarship fund to help high school students with their college expenses.

We gave $6500 away in scholarships to 5 kids this year.

The highest scoring essay was written by a student at my old school Mountain Pine!  (Where I taught not attended).

Elizabeth P, Camryn G, Cameron H, Emily H, and Guillermo C will each get a scholarship to help them pay for their first semester of college, and maybe a little something else if there’s money left over.  Good luck kids and thanks to everybody who applied, and a super huge thanks to our volunteers for reading the essays and helping us pick recipients again.

If you want to help out next year we could use you.  Send an email to [email protected] and I’ll let you know how you can help.


1 thought on “June 2019 – and Summer is here

  1. Nancy Steen

    This is a great report, Shawn! Thanks for allowing us to participate in this project, we get to help kids get to college, and indulge our love for the pens!


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