Engraving Tools

So far, on the few engravings I’ve made, I’ve been using my old printmaking burins.  Probably not anywhere near the best tools for the job, but they work.  And when all you have is all you have, you make due.  I had been reading around about engraving on the net, and have been looking at pics of gravers, and reading about how most artists grind their own tools.  So after looking at pictures a bit, I took a bit of metal rod from the shop and put a point on it.  The rod is about 2 foot long – so quite ungainly, but it’s SOOO much better to cut with than the tools I’ve been using.  Night and day.  I’m going to cut the rod down and put a handle on it.  🙂  Very excited about my next piece.

2 thoughts on “Engraving Tools

    1. newtonpens Post author

      I should have been – the hot dog stick is already toast. 🙂 I reshaped one of my burins and have ordered a proper square graver and a couple of other things to make life easier for myself. 🙂


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