Category: Uncategorized

Cossatot River Green – Shimmer Ink by Vanness for the 2023 AR Pen Show

Hi Everybody! Vanness made some custom ink for the Arkansas pen show this year, and there are only a few bottles left.  If you want to get one you should act soon.  Get in touch with Tim Joiner ([email protected]) from the pen club to purchase. There’s also one pen left (this one above)

Arkansas Pen Show exlusive – Orville Cossatot!

The Orville #Cossatot limited run of 10 pens are nearly ready for the 2023 #arkansaspenshow The blanks were made by Darrell Davis @d_squared_arts and modeled after the fresh water mussels found all over Arkansas. Our own Arkansas Abalone. 🙂 There will be 10 pens, 4 with full trim: river rocks, cast clip, and NN cap bands (shown here), and […]

Updated the shopping experience

Wahoo I’ve joined the last decade! I’ve updated my store to make the whole shopping experience a whole lot easier. Everything is done with shopify now.  Searching by model, material, and size are all easy to do now. You can visit by clicking the link below, or clicking the store link above like normal. […]