Hi Everybody! This has been a very busy week for me and most of it has been spent recovering from donkey basketball. I don’t know if you’ve ever played basketball on a donkey, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Some of them don’t care to be ridden. At least the donkey that I was given didn’t. […]
Category: Uncategorized
Deadline for and for the love of donkeys!
Hi Everybody! So normally I give each at least two weeks run time, usually with a day or two added on so it ends on a weekend. This time I goofed… Two weeks from March 14th would be the 28th, not the 23rd like I had posted originally – so we’ll run this to the […]
March – Newton Pens Scholarship! – & Prom
March 2014 ! Before I delay any more, I’m going to just start it. 🙂 This month, as always, you can win a custom pen by me. Your choice model (or your own design?), material, nib and grind. One extra pen will be made as a fund raiser for the Jr. Class at my […]
The things I do…
So 5pm, March 22nd, a Saturday afternoon, I’m going to be riding a donkey… and playing basketball. Two things I’ve never done. If you don’t hear from me after that, I’ve probably been crushed by a crazed donkey. 🙂 You only have to do a little searching on Google to see what kind of ride […]
Shows andScholarships
A lot has been going on this last week and I’m not terribly great at telling a story, so I’ll just jump right in. 🙂 The Arkansas pen show was Friday and saturday. I only had a couple of pens with me, but lots of parts and pieces, wraps that my wife made, and boxes […]
Feb is over! Lots of winners! :)
And the winners are! For a custom pen by me – #15. Congrats! Second draw for the Aileron Steampunk fountain pen goes to #20. Third draw for the Levenger L Tech that was just reviewed here will go to #14. Fourth draw for the Monteverde Engage will go to #46. Fifth draw for the first […]
Scholarship Applications are coming in!
Hi everybody! Well, it’s that time of year and applications are starting to come in. I’ve got one from my school and two from different schools around town. I need your help. I need some volunteers who would be willing to read over all of the essays and help to decide who gets a scholarship. […]
Feb – 2014 Newton Pens Scholarship
Another ! This time lots of pens to give away (thanks SO MUCH to all who have donated) and lots of winners! This time I’ll pick 8 numbers for 8 winners. Read below for all the details. So if all that sounds good then you can buy as many as you want payable through paypal […]
Don’t want a clip? Get a roll stop.
Don’t want a clip? Get a roll stop.