Category: Uncategorized

2015 Newton Pens Scholarship – June fund raiser is Open!

Hope you’re all having a good summer so far.  I’m enjoying all this shop time.  🙂 I thought now would be a good time to start raising money again for next year’s scholarships. We all raised just over $6000 and have helped 6 kids out with $1000 scholarships.  I wish I was better with words, […]

Scholarships, boxes, and Summer time.

Hi Everybody! Scholarships went out!  Six students were selected based on the essays they wrote, and each one will be getting a $1000 scholarship. Congrats to you kids at Mountain Pine, Cutter Morning Star, Benton, and Lakeside! And thank you to my volunteers.  Thank you so much!  This would have been so much more difficult […]

Happy Mother’s Day! And the results of the Fund Raiser!

First Happy Mother’s Day!  We had a great day today walking downtown and then Chinese for dinner.  Downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas is beautiful.  Here are some shots… And the winner of the Pen Drawing? Well, 65 were sold this time, and in all for the entire year raised $6123!  That’s amazing!  Thank you all so […]

April/May – Newton Pens Scholarship – last for this school year

Here it is – the last for the school year.  Whatever money is raised over the next two weeks will be included with this year’s scholarships, which by the way, are being read and scores tallied.  I should know who will be getting scholarships in a couple of weeks.  🙂 This month – let’s keep […]