Hi Everybody, I’ve been given another small box of pens to put up for auction. All the money raised will go towards the scholarship fund. Thank you so much for your donations and continued support of the scholarships. You’re helping give these students a foot in the door and a helping hand that they will […]
Category: Uncategorized
Scholarships are out!
Hi Everybody! We raised way over $6,000 this year! From June 2016 to May 2017 we raised $6,853!! Thank you all so much! For the month of May alone we raised about $592. Thanks to everybody who volunteered to read essays, we appreciate your time so much. I can’t wait for next year. This year […]
The 2017 Chicago Pen Show – and a new pen
Hi everybody, I had a great time at the pen show and wanted to share some photos. First thing, I got to see the Diamond Building from Adventures in Babysitting, which made me remember that movie, and since have watched it with my kids. What a great movie. We sold 38 notebooks and received a […]
Making things easier to order…
Hi Everybody, I’m putting something on my site I should have done years ago. From now on when I post a new pen to one of the galleries, at the very bottom of the page, under the photos, there will be a short form making it easy to order a pen like that one. Just […]
Scholarship announcements
Another month of fundraising is under our belts and we’re doing the best we’ve done so far. After regular postcard and notebook sales and the scholarship pen auction we raised $254 for the month, putting us at $6148 for the year! Thanks so much everybody! We couldn’t do this without your continued support. To say […]
Scholarship Applications have all been submitted!
Hi Everybody! Things are getting exciting around here now that all the scholarship applications have been submitted. I’m still waiting on paperwork to come in the mail, but all the essays are in. If any of you want to help with reading/scoring the essays we would really appreciate the extra help. Just send me an […]
Newton Pens Scholarships!! Raffles and Applications.
Hi Everybody! It’s April 2nd and I forgot to announce the pen winner for March. We got 75 entries for the month, and number 6 won it! Congrats to Scott H! I’ll send you an email and we can work out what you want to do with your $225 credit towards any Newton pen. So […]
Arkansas Pen Show!
Hi Everybody! This weekend, March 17, 18, and 19, we’ll be out of the shop and at the Arkansas Pen Show! If you’re in the area come by and see us and all the other great vendors and pens! Location and show details here. Video from FOX 16 this morning.
February fund raising results – scholarships, essays – and almost to $6,000
Hi Everybody! It’s the end of the month time again this month! That means it’s my duty to tell you about our progress raising money for scholarships to help high school kids who are going into college. First thing – the winner of $225 credit towards a custom pen with a free nib grind and […]
More auctions for scholarships
Hi Everybody! I have more pens for auction with every penny raised going to the Newton Pens Scholarships fund. I have fountain pens, pencils, and a single lot of parts. Auctions here. If you have any questions ask – [email protected] – Thanks!