Big Announcement – Scholarship Fund Raising – And those Scholarships!

Big Announcement

I’ve been teaching for almost 7 years now, and while the job has had its ups and downs, I love teaching.  I don’t think I’m the best art teacher there is, I’m sure I leave a LOT of information out of my classes, and I probably skip over a lot that I shouldn’t, but hopefully some of the kids have picked something up from me.  I know I’ve learned a lot from them.

I’ve just turned in my letter of resignation, effective the end of this school year, so I can begin making pens full time.  I’ve been thinking about this for a while now.  My wife and I have talked about it for hours on end over the last year.  It’s risky going out on my own, but with the amount that my business has grown in just three years, I’m confident that we’ll be okay financially.  Having one job will allow me to spend more time with my family, too.  I don’t want to miss my kids growing up.

I’m excited to see where this takes us.

February Scholarship Fund Raiser

Starting now, I’m going to change the way I raise money for the scholarships a little bit.  Instead of a two week period post card sale, the cards will be on sale continuously, and the numbering for the pen give away will be for the duration of each month.  So from the 1st until the last day, whatever that may be.  Post cards will always be for sale from now on – all you have to do is send $10 with paypal to and a postal address, and I’ll send some cards your way.  This means there will be one custom pen give away each month, the winner being announced the last day of the month.  If you have any questions, please ask.  Yes it’s still free to enter as long as you send a note or postcard in the mail to me at PO Box 6084, Hot Springs, Ar. 71902

Purchase post cards and learn more about the scholarship here.

Well Newton, if you’re not teaching anymore, how are you going to get new art for the post cards?  I’ve already thought of that, and this is easy.  I’m going to pop into my old class every now and then and talk with the new teacher about getting some photos of work from the kiddos.  I’m also going to expand this to the other local schools and make it into an art contest with a cash prize.  I want to get lots of kids involved in making these post cards and in turn get the word out about the scholarship to more students.

So starting now – you can buy a pack of postcards to help some lucky deserving students with their college expenses.

Postcards are NOW for sale again to raise money for the Newton Pen’s Scholarship.

So far we’ve raised $4396!  Thank you all so much!

There’s only a few more months to raise money, let’s see if we can match or beat last years total of $6000.


Read all the rules on how to enter here.

A winner will be picked from all the entries February 28, around 9pm US Central time.

And get those scholarship applications in!

Deadline for scholarship applications is March 1st.  I won’t take anything that comes in after that date.  Be sure the forms are filled out completely and correctly!  Nothing bothers me more than discarding incomplete applications.

Visit for the form.  Tell your friends!  Tell your friends’ kids!  If you’re a teacher, tell your students!  Applications and essays are starting to trickle in.  Don’t delay!

And finally…

Thanks for your support over the last few years.  When I started making pens I never thought it would have grown so much like it has.  I hope that being able to dedicate more time to it will help the scholarship to grow even more.

As always, if you have any questions, please ask.

4 thoughts on “Big Announcement – Scholarship Fund Raising – And those Scholarships!

  1. Beth Fralix

    I know you will do Amazing because you have so much talent & make such gorgeous Pens! Sending prayers that your business grows as fast as the imagination you nurtured in all the kids you have touched over the years & will continue to touch with your scholarship program! God Bless your business, your family & You, Beth


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