A visit to Newton Pens

I had a couple visitors come by the Shop in April and I think a few of you may know them.

Leigh Reyes and Thomas Hall came by, Leigh all the way from the Philippines, to see a pen being made.

I didn’t expect them to bring a small pen show with them, as well.  We spent part of the morning just admiring all of her Nakaya pens.  I learned a lot about their nibs and how they’re made.  Very cool stuff.

Leigh took lots of photos and some video and put it all together, and here it is.

I don’t have visitors to the shop too often, but if you want to buy a pen and see it made, maybe we can work out a time when you can come by.leigh thomas shawn

6 thoughts on “A visit to Newton Pens

      1. Andrew Arndts

        That sir is up to you. do you feed them in some way? Actually what “secrets” do you reveal that say the client says OH that is the trick… perhaps they are a competitor and you just flatten out their learning curve. They are in your shop and potentially in your way plus your home owner insurance won’t cover this guest because the nature of… IF you do, make the fee big enough to discourage future competition but not so much from a client.
        If anything I gave you food for thought.

  1. Jerry Van Kuiken

    Wow, Shawn! I loved the video. You make it seem so easy.

    I surely appreciate your good work and care for all the details.

    Best, Jerry

  2. mike smukula

    Gosh, I would give anything to be able to come by your shop and watch how a pen is made! Your such a professional Shawn!

  3. scarlet R

    my salute love and support to you for all the wonderful works you are doing, its a great inspiration, btw the background song is awesome.


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