September Newton Pens Scholarship drawing – Winner!

It’s just a bit after 9pm, so time to pick a winner using, 1-59, and the winner is…

drum roll, please….

#9!  Nine is the winner of a free custom pen!  I don’t have the list of names in front of me so I have no idea who it is, but congratulations to number nine!  🙂

And thanks so much to everybody who contributed to the fund – it’s now over $2000 – exact numbers later.

There’s still lots of time between now and May to raise more money for the kids.



New Postcards – Scholarship Fund Raising

Well the first set of post cards is nearly out, so I’ve ordered a second set.  School has just started so there’s not a lot for me to pick from, but I think I have some nice images chosen.

I’ve picked four new images from the end of last year and a couple from this year, and have reused one from the first set of cards.  These should be in my hands in about a week.

Thanks to everybody who has supported the scholarship.  To continue to support the scholarship, and help get some kids into college, read about the current for September here.

2015 Newton Pens Scholarship – September Edition

It’s that time again ladies and gentlemen!

Want to win a custom pen and help some lucky deserving students with their college expenses?

Enter to win a Newton Pen for the Month of September to support the Newton Pens Scholarship!  So far we’ve raised $1702 with those awesome student art post cards in only two months!

Read all the rules on how to enter here.

Entry period starts September 5th and ends Sunday night, September 21 at 9pm Central US time.  If you have ANY questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask.  I’m always more than happy to answer.

Here are some of the pens made for past pen winners.

Mint Toffee Townsend

Celluloid Gibby

Gray Como Pocket Pen

Button Filling Eastman

I’ve got a ton of cool materials for the winner to choose from.  If you don’t see what you want, shout out and I can help find it or we can have it custom made.  If you want a closer look at some of the materials, let me know and I can do that as well.

2014 Newton Pens Scholarship Awards

Hi Everybody,

I just received the video from the 2014 graduation where I gave away two scholarships to two kids at Mountain Pine.  No matter what work comes out of my shop none of it will make me as proud as being able to help deserving students with college.  I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without all of you who have donated and contributed money and time, and from the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you.


All videos here.

August Pen Winner

First I want to thank everybody who participated in this month’s fund raising.  We raised $263!

That brings the total to 1712!

Using and entering 1-36, #6 got it this time!

Congrats to Mike G.!


Now he has the daunting task of picking out his pen.  🙂

Thanks everybody!!

Come back in September for another chance to win a pen and to help raise money for some deserving high school students.

August fund raiser!

It’s on!

Enter to win a Newton Pen for the Month of August to support the Newton Pens Scholarship!  So far we’ve raised $1450 in only two months!

Read all the rules on how to enter here.

Entry period starts August 5th and ends August 24th.  If you have ANY questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask.  I’m always more than happy to answer.

I’ve got a ton of cool materials for the winner to choose from.  If you don’t see what you want, shout out and I can help find it or we can have it custom made.  If you want a closer look at some of the materials, let me know and I can do that as well.

Thanks so much!

Double Ender? Pen Winner.

The winner for the July/August drawing was #25!  Congrats to Seth G!

Since I’m going to DC this weekend I thought I’d get a couple of different things put together to bring with me.  The USA pens of course, and then something that people have asked me about pretty much since I started making pens 2 1/2 years ago: a two nib pen!

There have been lots of two nib pens made.  Some with both nibs at one end, some with a nib on either end; that’s where mine will come in.

Here’s an Eastman  I made up tonight.

double 003

I think these would look best made from the Eastman, Majestic, or Townsend, and will be $100 extra.

Update: As I was typing this I was contacted about this pen – it’s already sold!  Thanks!  🙂  I’ll still have it at DC to show off.
