Exclusive Production Line Pens

To inquire about producing a line of pens exclusive to your store, email me.  [email protected]

Enigma Blanks x Shawn Newton x Custom Nib Studios Purple Striped Jellyfish Eastman Fountain Pen with Reverse Architect Nib plus Vinta Inks Tabuan Purple Sea Star and Frieheit Freestyle Notebook in Ocean.

Eastman, Small, custom resin

Chatterley Prospectors in Carolina Pen Co. Resins, June 2021

Om – April 2021





Slim celluloid Townsend, 2020.

The Pinnacle – Vanness Exclusive – single facet on the cap, 2019.

Chatterley Luxuries Prospectors and Knickerbockers, 2019 and 2020.

Vanness exclusive Orville made with Bob Dupras resins, 2014.