Essay – Life Changing

My life was forever changed by bullying.

Even though this period was the worst time of my life, I was shown who I truly am. As a junior, I was honored to share my personal story at ‘Fields of Faith’ in front of over 2,500 students. Sharing my story, out of all of the awards and experiences I have been given, is my ultimate favorite. I had to step outside of the boundaries and try to help make a difference in someone else’s life, while testing my own personal limits. I had to put aside my pride and fight for those who are voiceless. It is quite easy for me to step in and take leadership roles as I am Senior Class President, Senior Cheer Captain, Arkansas Girls State Delegate, BETA Club President and Senior Yearbook Editor-In-Chief. However, talking in front of over two thousand students was another level of courage that I had to conquer. Through these experiences, I have grown more confident and assured in my future direction working with children.

I have a passion for children. Our school has a large number of impoverished students without food and nutrition. I felt the need to take this grief of starvation away from our school. I volunteered my time and leadership to orchestrate a Crisis Program for students in need of basic necessities. With the help of school educators, I volunteered my leadership skills and heart into making sure children didn’t go without a meal when school wasn’t in session. After I volunteered for a total of eighteen hours, I noticed the supreme need for leaders to rise to the occasion and become the unsung hero for children who are mistreated and without a voice. The program is still in need and is being carried on by students and faculty.

Last year, I received a phone call that a woman who was like a grandmother to me, had committed suicide. Instead of dwelling on the overwhelming emotions that arose from that, I chose to battle with tenacity. This incident intrigued me to get to the root of the problem: depression. I had to put logic behind the emotions that arose from the grief that followed this disaster. If I can be that beacon of light for someone fighting the same battle she did, it would atone for those dark days I spent wondering why this had happened. I want to guide students in times of utter pain just as my counselor did for me. Before my life was altered so drastically, I dreamed of going into the medical field because of a passion for science. I never imagined altering my career path to Psychology, but now I wouldn’t have it any other way. Teaching students to laugh in the face of fear, and to grasp individuality is what keeps me thirsting to be a counselor, and to fight for the children who need me to be their warrior.

As a junior in high school, I was eager to start my college path. I obtained fifteen con-current college credit hours through National Park Community College. This year, I have gained a total of six con-current credit hours, totaling twenty- one con-current college credited hours in my high school career. After this battle with challenging classes, I came out victorious, and was honored to take the title of Salutatorian for Mountain Pine High. I’m motivated to pursue the next step in my life and these classes were just the edge I needed to support this theory.

My school has given me numerous opportunities to shine. I was also honored to be one of the elected delegates of the half-time Performance Team at the Auto Zone Liberty Bowl. I was excited to be chosen from approximately five thousand other dancers. It was an honor to perform alongside country superstars, ‘Big and Rich’. Besides the hobbies I have a passion for, I love to spin wildly into a cause I truly believe in. I managed a water safety campaign which took diligent skills in public relations communications. I led a team of nine students to capture the essence of how important water safety truly is by producing a commercial. It took dedication, along with the use of complex software programs, to share with others the awareness of fatalities on the water. I hope my passion will touch others.

Although I’m excited to be a senior this year, I’m looking forward to starting a new adventure in the fall. I’m eager to fulfill my dreams of attending Henderson State University and gaining my Master’s Degree in Psychology. Henderson State University is known for an elite Psychology department and it is just the spark I need to ignite my dreams and passions. I’m ecstatic to be a part of the change in the world that I wish to see. I apply for scholarships so my parents don’t wallow in the overwhelming stress that is known as ‘college tuition’. My father was recently diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), which has added unforeseen medical expenses and is straining are already depleted income. Due to his illness, we are now fully relying on my mother’s salary as a teacher to support my family of four. I do believe that no matter the circumstances, I will overcome these obstacles. This scholarship is like an angel in disguise. It protects the recipient and shouts encouragement to keep going and to tackle breathtaking dreams. Keeping a job during college to pay for my tuition will be stressful but all so rewarding knowing this it is my passion, and I’m earning my way to do it. Obviously, you can’t get college off of the ‘dollar menu’, but you can work hard for it, and have faith that your best is good enough. It’s my job to worry about my future, and to pay for the road that I want to pave for myself. I want to walk with my head high knowing that I’m representing my school and my family that has helped me this far along my journey. Without your help, my dreams can’t come true.